Satisfaction guarantee

We offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If at any point over the 30-day period you decide our products are not right for you, please get in touch with our customer service team and we will honour a 100% money-back guarantee.

Requests received after 30 days from the date of purchase cannot be guaranteed a refund. After receiving any returned goods, we will happily issue a full refund for the purchase price of the product (minus any shipping).

Our guarantee ensures a refund on first-time purchase only, limited to one per household.

Refunds will be issued on first stock unit only, additional products in bulk orders will only be given on unopened items.

Please allow for up to 10 business days for us to process your return.

Refunds will be credited via the same payment method from which you placed the order.

To start the process:

    • Email
    • Provide your order number and product batch number.
    • Please let us know what you didn’t like about the product. The feedback is important as it helps refine our product lines.
    • Any unused products must be returned. Our customer service team will be in touch to provide you with an address to send any bulk purchased ‘unopened’ items